Jesus says “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We know that the seasons of the earth are established by God. The plants and animals in the natural world adjust their activities according to the cycle of the seasons around them. Spring time generally is a time of birthing and rapid growth. Timing is important.

May is a month in which our deciduous and fruit trees will burst into blossom and leaves. The grass on our lawns will become revitalized, turning the luxuriant green that indicates vibrant growth. The seeds in our garden plots will be sown and germinate to provide us sustenance into another year. These things in the natural world will follow the dictates of their genes; they will fulfil their vocation. They will take advantage of all those resources now available to them for growth and life - elements that were minimally present or locked in winter frigidity: light, water, minerals, and warmth.

Our life rooted and formed in Christ Jesus is a life programmed for growth and fruitfulness. Jesus assures those who are His one thing and reminds them of another thing. Christ’s sheep hear his voice, the shepherd calls. Those sheep who long for continuing life follow him. The role of the shepherd is to lead the sheep to those things they need for life: food, water, shelter and protection. A sheep that does not follow the shepherd to these things simply dies! Jesus as our Shepherd is faithful in that role of leading to everything for our living. How faithful are we in our following?

“Christ is risen. Alleluia!” is the blossoming proclamation of a soul freed from bondage of sin and its resultant banishment and death. This month we will celebrate Mother’s Day. It is again a time to ascribe to God thanks, honor and praise for his intimate involvement and care for creation; the vocations he creates and sustains. Everyone can sing Alleluia as a gift of a mother. Women can receive the adulation and well wishes that their progeny and children will shower upon them, for the gifts of life they share throughout the year. True motherhood is a vocation that is divinely blessed and created for the well-being of souls made in the image of God.

True motherhood is the discipleship that is divinely instilled in that vocation and its living fruitfulness. Children who long for life will follow the voice of their mother. As we live the new life birthed in us when we were united into Christ’s death and resurrection at our Baptism, may we experience that luxuriant growth and blossoming that God calls into us. Be sheep that follow where the Shepherd leads.

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers.

Pastor Perucy N. Butiku

Coverage Pastor


Regular Schedule


  • Sunday School
    – 10:00 AM
  • Worship
    – 10:15 AM
  • Coffee Hour
    – 11:15 AM
  May 2024  
Verse of the Day

Contact Us

St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church
2332 Grand Avenue
Baldwin, New York 11510
Phone (516) 223-1951